Command Line Interfaces

Once installed, you can configure and start a Sopel IRC Bot instance:

$ sopel configure
# ... configuration wizard ...
$ sopel start

The configure subcommand will run a brief configuration wizard to set up the basic options: the bot’s nick, its admin’s nick, the IRC server to connect to, and channels to join. By default, it creates the file ~/.sopel/default.cfg (creating the homedir directory if necessary.)

Once this is done, the start subcommand runs the bot, using this configuration file unless one is provided using the -c/--config option.

Certain command-line options can be passed via environment variables. Also see the section on environment variables for more possibilities.

The sopel command


Sopel IRC Bot

usage: sopel [options]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-d, --fork

Daemonize Sopel.

-q, --quit

Gracefully quit Sopel (deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use sopel stop instead)

-k, --kill

Kill Sopel (deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use sopel stop --kill instead)

-r, --restart

Restart Sopel (deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use sopel restart instead)

-l, --list

List all config files found(deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use sopel-config list instead)


Suppress all output

-w, --configure-all

Run the configuration wizard (deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use sopel configure instead)


Run the configuration wizard, but only for the plugin configuration options (deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use sopel configure --plugins instead)


Show version number and exit (deprecated, and will be removed in Sopel 8; use -V/--version instead)

-V, --version

Show version number and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel [options] start

Start a Sopel instance. This command requires an existing configuration file that can be generated with sopel configure.

usage: sopel [options] start [-h] [-d] [--quiet] [-c filename]
                             [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-d, --fork

Run Sopel as a daemon (fork). This bot will safely run in the background. The instance will be named after the name of the configuration file used to run it. To stop it, use sopel stop (with the same configuration).


Suppress all output

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel [options] stop

Stop a running Sopel instance. This command determines the instance to quit by the name of the configuration file used (“default”, or the one from the -c/--config option). This command should be used when the bot is running in the background from sopel start -d, and should not be used when Sopel is managed by a process manager (like systemd or supervisor).

usage: sopel [options] stop [-h] [-k] [--quiet] [-c filename]
                            [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-k, --kill

Kill Sopel without a graceful quit


Suppress all output

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel [options] restart

Restart a running Sopel instance

usage: sopel [options] restart [-h] [--quiet] [-c filename]
                               [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Suppress all output

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel [options] configure

Run the configuration wizard. It can be used to create a new configuration file or to update an existing one.

usage: sopel [options] configure [-h] [--plugins] [-c filename]
                                 [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit


Check for Sopel plugins that require configuration, and run their configuration wizards.

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

The sopel-config command

New in version 7.0: The command sopel-config and its subcommands have been added in Sopel 7.0.


Sopel configuration tool

usage: sopel-config [-h] {list,init,get} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

sopel-config get

Get a configuration option’s value

usage: sopel-config get [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
                        section option

The name of the section to look in


The name of the option to retrieve

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel-config init

Initialize Sopel configuration file

usage: sopel-config init [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel-config list

List available configurations from Sopel’s config directory with the extension “.cfg”. Use option --config-dir to use a specific config directory.

usage: sopel-config list [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]
                         [-e EXTENSION] [-p]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

-e <extension>, --ext <extension>, --extension <extension>

Filter by extension (default to “.cfg)”

-p, --path

Display a list of absolute filenames instead of their names

The sopel-plugins command

New in version 7.0: The command sopel-plugins and its subcommands have been added in Sopel 7.0.


Sopel plugins tool

usage: sopel-plugins [-h] {show,configure,list,disable,enable} ...
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

sopel-plugins configure

Run a config wizard to configure a plugin.

This can be used whether the plugin is enabled or not.

usage: sopel-plugins configure [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR]

Plugin name

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

sopel-plugins disable

Disable a Sopel plugin by its name, no matter where it comes from.

It is not possible to disable the coretasks plugin.

usage: sopel-plugins disable [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR] [-f]
                             name [name ...]

Name of the plugin to disable. Can be used multiple times to disable multiple plugins at once. In case of error, configuration is not modified.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

-f, --force

Force exclusion of the plugin. When core.enable is defined, a plugin may be disabled without being excluded. In this case, use this option to force its exclusion.

-r, --remove

Remove from core.enable list if applicable.

sopel-plugins enable

Enable a Sopel plugin by its name, no matter where it comes from.

The coretasks plugin is always enabled.

By default, a plugin that is not excluded is enabled, unless at least one plugin is defined in the core.enable list. In that case, Sopel uses an “allow-only” policy for plugins, and all desired plugins must be added to this list.

usage: sopel-plugins enable [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR] [-a]
                            name [name ...]

Name of the plugin to enable. Can be used multiple times to enable multiple plugins at once. In case of error, configuration is not modified.

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

-a, --allow-only

Enforce allow-only policy. It makes sure the plugin is added to the core.enable list.

sopel-plugins list

List available Sopel plugins from all possible sources.

Plugin sources are: built-in, from sopel_modules.*, from sopel.plugins entry points, or Sopel’s plugin directories.

Enabled plugins are displayed in green; disabled, in red.

usage: sopel-plugins list [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR] [-C]
                          [-e | -d] [-n]
-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

-C, --no-color

Disable colors

-e, --enabled-only

Display only enabled plugins

-d, --disabled-only

Display only disabled plugins

-n, --name-only

Display only plugin names

sopel-plugins show

Show detailed information about a plugin.

usage: sopel-plugins show [-h] [-c filename] [--config-dir CONFIGDIR] name

Plugin name

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-c <filename>, --config <filename>

Use a specific configuration file. A config name can be given and the configuration file will be found in Sopel’s homedir (defaults to ~/.sopel/default.cfg). An absolute pathname can be provided instead to use an arbitrary location. When the SOPEL_CONFIG environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

--config-dir <configdir>

Look for configuration files in this directory. By default, Sopel will search in ~/.sopel. When the SOPEL_CONFIG_DIR environment variable is set and not empty, it is used as the default value.

Supported environment variables


This environment variable replaces the built-in default config name (which is, confusingly, also “default”) if set. It’s interpreted in the same way as the -c/--config option accepted by most CLI commands described above.

New in version 7.0.


This environment variable replaces the default directory in which Sopel searches for config files. It’s interpreted in the same way as the --config-dir option accepted by most CLI commands described above.

New in version 7.1.

Overriding individual settings

Whenever a setting is accessed, Sopel looks for a matching environment variable. If found, the environment variable’s value (even if it’s empty) overrides the value from Sopel’s config file.

The variable name Sopel looks for is structured as follows:

  • SOPEL_ prefix (to prevent collisions with other programs)

  • The section name in UPPERCASE, e.g. CORE or PLUGIN_NAME

  • _ as separator

  • The setting name in UPPERCASE, e.g. NICK or API_KEY

For example, take this stripped-down config file:

nick = ConfigFileNick
host =

api_key = abad1dea

Sopel would take the nickname ConfigFileNick when connecting to IRC at, and the plugin_name plugin would use the API key abad1dea when communicating with its remote service.

However, by setting the environment variables:


Sopel would take the nickname EnvVarNick when connecting to IRC (still at; that value isn’t overridden or lost), and the plugin_name plugin would use the API key 1337c0ffee9001, instead.

New in version 7.0.


Any _ character in the section or setting name also appears in the environment variable name. It’s therefore theoretically possible for two plugins to have section and setting name pairs that both resolve to the same environment variable name, but in practice this is highly unlikely.

However, should such a collision occur, please notify the main Sopel project and both plugin authors via any relevant communication channel(s).