
The Python IRC Bot

Making Sopel ignore people

Sopel has a built-in ability to ignore specified users by either nickname or hostname. Bot admins can manage Sopel’s ignores using the .blocks command.

Both the nicknames and the hostnames you give to Sopel use regular expressions. If you’re just looking to block a specific name (like you might if you want to block another bot), you don’t need to worry about this. Otherwise, refer to this page for the syntax.

The .blocks command is used by giving it one of the three main subcommands—list, add, and del—followed by nick or host to indicate whether you want to list/add/delete nickname or hostname blocks. add and del both require a final argument: the nick or host pattern that you want to add/delete.

.blocks add nick somenickhere
.blocks del nick somenickhere
.blocks add host .*\.bad\.actor\.net
.blocks list nick
.blocks list host