Your first plugin#

Sopel’s most interesting features come from its plugins, either published by Sopel’s developers or by third-party developers, and you can write your own plugins. But where do you start?

Here is a very short example of code for your first plugin that contains one and only one command:

from sopel import plugin

def hello(bot, trigger):
    """Reply with Hello!"""

You can put this code in a Python file, placed into your Sopel plugin directory, such as ~/.sopel/plugins/ Once this is done, you can check if the bot can see the plugin, by using the sopel-plugins command line tool:

$ sopel-plugins show myplugin
Plugin: myplugin
Status: enabled
Type: python-file
Source: /path/to/home/.sopel/plugins/
Label: myplugin plugin
Loaded successfully
Setup: no
Shutdown: no
Configure: no

Notice how the filename (without the extension) is also the name of the plugin: if you were to name your file, it would be the hello plugin.

If status is not enabled, you can enable your plugin with sopel-plugins enable hello.

Then, you can start your bot and trigger the command like this:

<YourNick> .hello
<Sopel> YourNick: Hello!

And voilà! This is your first plugin. Sure, it doesn’t do much, and yet it uses the key elements that you’ll need to understand to write your own plugins.

See also

To interact with the list of plugins installed, read the documentation of sopel-plugins.