Configuration and plugin setup#

Maybe you played with commands for your plugin and now you want to make your plugin configurable. If you run an instance of Sopel yourself, you probably had to open and edit its configuration file.

Usually located in the .sopel/ folder under your home directory, the configuration file is an INI file with sections defined by Sopel’s core and by plugins. In this tutorial, let’s see how to declare and use a configuration section dedicated to your plugin.

Declaring your configuration#

To declare a configuration section, you must first create a subclass of StaticSection, and define attributes:

from sopel.config import types

class MyPluginSection(types.StaticSection):
    fruits = types.ListAttribute('fruits')

Telling Sopel about it#

Now, having a class in your plugin doesn’t achieve much: you need to tell the bot about it by using the define_section() method. The best place to do so is in the setup() function hook of your plugin:

def setup(bot):
    bot.settings.define_section('myplugin', MyPluginSection)

This way, you tell Sopel that the [myplugin] section in the configuration file is used by your plugin, and to parse this section Sopel must use your class, i.e. MyPluginSection.

Using your section#

Now that you have told Sopel about your custom section, you can add the following lines in your configuration file:

fruits =

And Sopel will expose that for you through bot.settings.myplugin. For example, you can write this command:

import random

def fruits(bot, trigger):
    fruit = random.choice(bot.settings.myplugin.fruits)
    bot.say(f'I want a {fruit}!')

And whenever someone triggers this command, the bot will say that it wants one of the configured fruits. If you want to list 50 fruits or only 2 is up to you, and to the bot owners who will install your plugin.

Putting everything together#

We can combine all of this into one plugin file, located at the same place as before (~/.sopel/plugins/, assuming the default location):

import random
from sopel.config import types

class MyPluginSection(types.StaticSection):
    """Declaration of your plugin's configuration."""
    fruits = types.ListAttribute('fruits')

def setup(bot):
    """Telling the bot about the plugin's configuration."""
    bot.settings.define_section('myplugin', MyPluginSection)

def fruits(bot, trigger):
    """Using the plugin's configuration in our command."""
    fruit = random.choice(bot.settings.myplugin.fruits)
    bot.say(f'I want a {fruit}!')

As you can see, there are several steps when it comes to configuration:

  • creating a class to represent your configuration section

  • telling Sopel about it in a setup function

  • using your plugin’s configuration in your plugin

Sopel tries to make it as straightforward and flexible as possible for you to declare and to setup your plugin configuration, and you can read more about plugin configuration, which includes a section about the configuration wizard as well. You can also see Sopel’s own configuration in the configuration chapter.

Once you are familiar with the concept, you can also read deeper into the reference documentation for the sopel.config module.